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Ok  i'm  back with my daily rant and this time its weathermen. First off I can't stand when the weather report gives us the actual  temperature, lets say 70 degrees and then they say it feels like 79 WHAT! Is it 79 or is it 70? We have become a society of deceptions or illusions not to mention fibbers.The other thing is the unneeded dramatics these guys and gals go through just to report something that has been  happening  on this planet for eons of time. Don't get me wrong, I  appreciate  the weather report ,but for heaven sake quite trying to make it something it  isn't. I will  concede  when the weather is very severe the reports are important.Well ok, thanks for putting up with my rant. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They tel you what you want to hear they all do!