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MY RANT FOR TODAY(unemployment extension for 2014)

I want to call on Senator Rand Paul to apologize to the millions of unemployed Americans he calls lazy.
How about Mr.Paul,you have maybe a little compassion for the folks that have been a little bit less fortunate as you. What is your problem and the problem with the GOP when it comes to helping hardworking Americans get a leg up on life. Could it be that maybe you skipped that compassion part during your bible reading? Extending unemployment for good, hardworking folks is a no- brainer, and don't give us the lame excuse you cant appropriate the funds, that is pure BS. Think about the millions of struggling men women and children. Parents out of work, no money for food ,utilities, gas. its unconscionable! Deffinition;unethical, amoral, immoral, unprincipled, indefensible, unforgivable, wrong; Is this the legacy you want have attached to your life?

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