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THE GREAT DILLEMA.deffinition(a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, esp. equally undesirable ones.)

 I was noticing the closer we get to a holiday the higher the gas prices go. The greed factor kicks in and its sickening. These gas station bandits love to play us like a fiddle,one day the gas is 3.18, 3 days later it's 3.35, it's just amazing. It's the same gas in the ground tanks that we payed 3.18 for just a couple of days ago! America is getting to be a tough  place to make a living. Between gas,food,utilities most families are in the hole before they get paid again and they still have to pay rent/mortgage! I wish I had a solution to this problem but at the moment I don't and maybe there isn't one.

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