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What To Do With $1000 Right Now….
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 5:02

(Before It's News)

This post was originally published here -

A little while back I read a post over at concerning a recommendation on where to spend $900 on survival & preparedness preps.

I love thinking about stuff like this. It is sorta like “What would I do if I won the lottery?”

Back to reality.

There are many people across this great country that are just now seeing the light and beginning there preps. For many of these newcomers the question of where to begin is ever present. Some people are taking things serious and are willing to sink some serious change into their preparations – so I figured I would throw my 2 cents in.

For someone relatively new to the prepping scene and having no purposely stocked supplies – a $1000 can go a long way.

Here are my recommendations:
Food ($350) – this has to be the priority.

Purchase in quantity what you normally eat. A good idea would be to sit down with a notepad and pen and meal plan for 2 weeks.
Remember that there may be no electricity so all food items in the meal plan have to come from the pantry.
Next – take that 2 week meal plan and make a list of all items and use that as your shopping list. If you are able to buy 2 of everything listed – that would be a one month supply.
Take into consideration any supplies such as cooking oil that you may need to complete the meal. Don’t forget about spices and other condiments.
Lastly – do consider shelf life (often on the package) as well as buying store brands and buying on sale to maximize your available funds.
Water ($50) – You have to have it.

Buy the basics – gallons of spring/drinking water. These can often be had for less han $1.00 per gallon.
Save soft drink containers, rinse them out and fill with tap water (mark with date).
Buy a few cases of bottled water.

Light ($50) – In the dark – you will wish you had it if you don’t.

Pick up a few quality LED flashlights. [LED will give you long bulb life & super long batttery life]
Buy a bunch of candles at the dollar store or local discount store, as well as some matches
Pick up a lantern-type flashlight of the larger variety.
Get extra alkaline batteries for all.
Medical/First Aid ($40) – ‘Stuff happens – be ready.

Make sure you are up to date on all prescriptions.
Get a decent first aid kit – usually around $10.00 .
Pick up extra supplies like common band-aides, burn ointment, diarrhea medicine, pain killers, triple antibiotic, cold medicine, etc.

Alright – up to $490.00………….$510.00 to go.
Misc Household Supplies ($60)- This category covers a lot.

Here is a chance to stock up on cleaning supplies as well as some sanitation.
Include a large variety of solutions for washing clothes, disinfection, as well as personal items such as deodorant, shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer, shaving creme, and razors.
Self-Defense ($200) – If you do not have the ability to defend your family and supplies – you may up with neither.

$200 can work to get yourself a firearm to defend yourself – as well as possibly put some meat in the pot.
Check out the used gun selection at your local pawn and gun shops. You may be able to pick up a decent shotgun as well as some shells for it for the budgeted $200.
Another consideration may be getting a decent rimfire like the Ruger 10/22 along with a brick of ammunition. I know, I know… is not the best gun for defense – but we are on a budget here.

Maverick Model 88 shotgun – $177 at Wal-Mart
Alternative Power ($50)- With an initial investment in supplies of $1000 – you can only do so much.

Stock up on batteries for all battery powered items you have and will need.
Try to standardize your electronics so you only need a couple of battery sizes.
Look for the best deal on batteries – and stock up.
Alkalines are much better than standard heavy-duty.
Rechargable can be good – if you have a method of recharging them.
Fuel ($50) – Stow away some extra gas for your vehicle and propane for your grill.

10 gallons of gas right now is running around $35.00 .
Getting a 20-lb propane tank filled is costing around $15.00.
Do what you can.
Knowledge ($) – Get on the ‘net and start printing.

Sure – you can buy books – but if you are on a budget just start printing stuff off the Internet.
Place printed subject matter in categorized binders and folders.
Store some of the material that is most important in large Zip-loc bags.
Practice some of the skills that you think you might need – like firestarting.
Methods for Heating ($150) – Getting cold out? You’ll be glad you spent some money on this catagory.

Depending upon your region – being able to get warmth in the winter may be critical.
One possibility is to get Kerosene heaters and then stock up on fuel.
Blankets, blankets…….and more blankets.
Stock up on gloves and thermal underwear.
Already have a propane heater? Get more fuel.

Well – that’s $1000.00 dollars.

This list isn’t best for anyone – just to promote some thought. If someone already has a defensive firearm – that money can be spent somewhere else. Same goes for every other category.

This kind of thinking can be fun – and get you thinking about your own preps and where YOU might spend $1000 if you you came into it.

Any thoughts?


© 2013, Rourke. All rights reserved.

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