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House Votes To Cut Food Stamps By $40 Billion

                     House Votes To Cut Food Stamps By $40 Billion

Now thats what I call the road to the American dream, here's the strategy. First starve them out, this will cause parents to go out and do community service for free, or better yet, get them enrolled in a job class, but first they must be drug tested if they pass that, well, if you are able bodied, you wont get the food stamps. Do to the fact that  those lazy healthy individuals  should already have a job.Oh I almost forgot, the sick ,disabled elderly or down right poor folks they don't need food and parents who have kids, hell, why feed them? Now you see, the house of representatives ,oh ya thats what they are called representatives, now they have all wisdom you see, they know what poor people need, after all they do represent all the folks in the country now don't they and they have decided for you that you don't need to eat on a regular basis. So what if you cant afford a car, or gas for a car so what. If you cant pay your mortgage or rent,so what. If you cant find a job, so what. If you can't feed your family,ahh so what. Now the extra 40 billion can go to attacking Syria or maybe a good pork barrel project. Oh I know give the house a raise ya that's it!

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