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I would like to ask Sahara Palin just how Barak Obama has taken away any of her personal rights and has diminished her life in any way. Personally I don't think she would have a plausible answer. Since her time in obscurity as Alaska's half governor, she has improved her life 100 fold,she was selected to run for the 2nd most powerful office in the land, she goes where she wants, she says anything she wants and makes a ton of money doing it. Even her family has prospered under Obamas cruel reign. This, I'm taking America back crap and restoring honor B.S is just what it is. We as Americans, have not lost our honor or our freedoms.As for Glenn Beck, he continues his misinformation campaign and is getting mega rich in the process. Just think about this folks ,if we as a people were so depressed and with little or no liberties left, do ya think these folks would be able to do what they are doing? No is the answer, take time and think about what is going on, don't just listen to one voice.

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